Solving real problems takes vision, commitment, and effort. Rotarians work to protect communities from preventable disease, keep women and children healthy and fed, improve education and economic outcomes, create safe water and sanitation, and make our community and the world a more peaceful place.
Dunsmuir Rotary works with partners to improve people's lives locally and throughout the world.
Wildcat Weekend Backpack Program
The Wildcat Weekend Backpack Program is a free program that provides kid-friendly food for students most in need to eat over weekends and breaks when school meals are not available. Items placed in backpacks include cereal, peanut butter, juice, fruit, soup, vegetables, granola bars, etc.
Backpacks are filled on Thursdays and distributed on Fridays. Students must return backpacks prior to Thursday to get them for the next week.
All students from preschool through 8th grade are eligible. There is no vetting.
Little Free Library
Dunsmuir Rotarian Kate O’Grady led our project to build and install Dunsmuir’s first “Take One — Leave One” Little Free Library in front of City Hall. We plan to install another.
Fish Hook & Line Receptacles
Dunsmuir is a world-class site for trout fishing, with the Sacramento River just ten miles old as it passes through the city. Abandoned fishhooks are unsightly. Worse, they are dangerous, posing threats to animals & humans. Rotarian Wendi Grochol led the project to build and maintain 11 receptacles for our river.